Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, Kalurghat--1971
(too old to reply)
2013-07-16 22:42:20 UTC
In July 1972 Bangabandhu had a gall bladder operation in London. He then went to Geneva to convalesce as a Swiss Government guest. My father AFM Abul Fateh as a long-standing friend and our family traveled to Geneva to see Mujib from Paris, where my father was Ambassador for Bangladesh. The second evening we were in Geneva, Mujib ordered that he would have dinner solely in our family's company in his hotel suite. As I was greatly interested, and had heard conflicting accounts as to the declaration of independence, I asked Mujib directly what had happened.

Bangabandhu then told me that on the night of 25 March the main phone line at his home was cut. But there was a second phone line about which the Pakistanis did not (yet) know. He used this to send a message declaring independence.

I did not ask Mujib any further details, as I was content with his reply and had no idea that one day the topic rather would become contentious. But from the wording he used with me it was clear that this call by Bangabandhu was by way of the dictation of a message rather than a phone conversation.

Anatul Fateh
The following article was given to me for making it available
to SCB readers. It is written by Mr Moslem Khan, a retired
Radio Engineer, who was employed at Kalurghat Radio Station
during March, 1971. The author narrated his personal
experience during the early days of our liberation war--
in particular related to radio broadcast of the declaration
of independence.
I am not responsible for the contents of the article.
However, I should be held responsible for
any misrepresentation/error due to English rendition.
Bilayet Hossain.
2020-07-24 04:15:11 UTC
Feeling lucky, having all theses information along with clarification, by chance . Thank you gentleman. Joybangla. Joy Bangabandhu.