23 top Bangladesh criminals live in waste bengol. Tripura
(too old to reply)
2006-11-08 07:05:34 UTC
Top terrors now in West Bengal sanctuaries

Wednesday November 08 2006 11:16:20 AM BDT

The State Government of West Bengal do not dare to take action against those
terrorists as they are staying there under the protection of Indian secret
service intelligence agency RAW, sources said.(The New Nation )

Most wanted 23 top terrorists declared by Bangladesh Government are now
staying in different places of West Bengal and Tripura in India, it is
reliably learnt.

Most of them often change their addresses under several fake names in
Kolkata, Nadia, Dakkhin 24 Parguna, Uttar 24 Parguna and Murshidabad under
the protection of RAW, sources said.

Most of the top terrorists have married Indian citizens and established
business centres including fish farms, sources said and added they are also
involved in smuggling,

Terrorists Subrata Bine alias Mona alias Swapan, Mollah Masud Kajal, Zia,
Fazlu, Babu alias Choita Babu, Helal, Jabbar, Munna alias killer Munna, Aga
Shamim alias Mithun, Rana, Sabuj, Nasiruddin alias Kala Nasir alias Gonesh,
Tanvirul Islam Joy and Shamim Osman are now living in India.

Ratna Chowdhury, 45, a widow, owner of MR Express Travel Agency at Markuiz
Street in Kolkata, helped the terrorists providing all supports including
visa, sources said.

According to sources, this travel agency without having any legal authority
is working as 'Visa Agent' of Bangladesh Mission Kolkata. They usually do
visa work like Multiple, Double Entry and E visas, sources said and added
visa consular department of Bangladesh Mission Kolkata said this travel
agency works as source of the Mission.

Subrata Bine alias Mona alias Swapan is now living in Shaktinagar under
Krishnanagar in Nadia district. Both Subrata and Mollah Masud Kajal have set
up a fish farm on 60 acres lease land at Mezdia under Karimpur police
station, Tehatta in Nadia, sources said. Subrata very often stays at one
Animesh Sarkar's Razdanga residence behind the office of Semens India Ltd in

Mollah Masud Kajal most often stays in the residences of Prokash Biswas
alias Probal and Bikash Biswas alias Badal at Christian Village of Doyabari
in Ranaghat. Zia, Fazlu and Babu alias Choita Babu sometimes also used the
same residences. Mollah Masud conducted smuggling activities through
Karimpur, Banpur and Daufulia border areas under Nadia district. Mollah
Masud's main associates are-Prokash, Bikash, Zia alias Tapan and Fazlu alias
Swapan-2, sources said.

Zia, Fazlu and Babu alias Choita Babu took shelter at snake charmer Swapan's
house Block-B, 18/C-4 under Kallyani PS near Kallyani University.

Helal, Jabbar and Munna alias killer Munna operated hilsa (elish) fish
business by trawler in Dakhhin 24 Parguna. They sold the fish in Kakdip and
Diamond Harbor's fish markets, sources said and added that terrorists Biju
and Ratan of old Dhaka were also staying with them.

Aga Shamim alias Mithun is now staying at the house of Ranjit Sen of
Chandigarh, Maddhyamgram, under Barasat PS in Uttar 24 Parguna. Terrorists
Masudur Rahman alias Tunda Masud and Rezaul Karim alias Rezai of Narayanganj
are also staying with him, sources said.

According to sources, Rana and Sabuj residents of Mohammadpur, are now
staying in Ayeshbagh, Lalbagh of Murshidabad. They have close relation with
BSF and Indian detective units, sources said.

Nasir Uddin alias Kala Nasir has recently entered West Bengal through
Senaganj border under Krishnaganj PS of Nadia district. He has already
joined Zakir, Pyal, Tajvir and Kamrul Hasan alias Hannan who are now in
Goriah in Kolkata.

Tanvirul Islam Joy, who is most popular to Indian RAW, now staying with
spouse and daughters in Goriahat, Salimpur, Saltlake Sector-3 and Purbachal
Housing Complex of Saltlake areas.

Shamim Osman, a former MP of Bangladesh Awami League is now living in
Kolkata, sources said and added that he always informed his whereabouts to a
Kolkata correspondent of a daily newspaper of Bangladesh.

One Ratna Chowdhury of Kolkata locally entertained Shamim Osman, Hasan Imam,
Baby Moudud and other top leaders, sources said.

NFB POsting
File Image- courtesy :news.bbc.co.uk
2006-11-08 18:23:54 UTC
23 top Bangladesh criminals live in waste bengol. Tripura
Corruption Lives & Breathes In Bangladesh .....




Bangladesh & Myanmar Stiil Among The Most Corrupt

Countries with a significant improvement in perceived levels of
corruption include: Algeria, Czech Republic, India, Japan, Latvia,
Lebanon, Mauritius, Paraguay, Slovenia, Turkey, Turkmenistan and

TI 2006 Corruption Perceptions Index


Iceland 1 9.6 1 9.7
Japan 17 7.6 21 7.3
USA 20 7.3 17 7.6
Israel 34 5.9 28 6.3
India 70 3.3 88 2.9
China 70 3.3 78 3.2
Sri Lanka 84 3.1 78 3.2
Iran 105 2.7 88 2.9
Nepal 121 2.5 117 2.5
Pakistan 142 2.2 144 2.1
Chad 156 2.0 158 1.7
Bangladesh 156 2.0 158 1.7
Myanmar 160 1.9 155 1.8


[ Bangladesh was placed in the third position from below, along with
African countries Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan with
2 points out of 10, while Haiti bottomed with 1.8 points and Guinea,
Iraq and Myanmar got 1.9 points ..... The fact that Bangladesh no
longer occupies the last place in the table is attributable more to the
poorer performance of several other countries than to a drop in
corruption levels in Bangladesh as such]


New Age, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Bangladesh no longer tops global corruption index - It Slides To 3rd

Bangladesh has lost its world championship in corruption to Haiti. It
has been placed in the third position from the bottom in the
Transparency International's corruption perception index (CPI) this
year, after it stayed at the bottom of the index for five consecutive

The CPI annually ranks countries in terms of the degree of political
and institutional corruption.

Haiti, a Caribbean country, was placed at the bottom of the
Berlin-based organisation's CPI of 2006, while Guinea in Africa and
Iraq and Myanmar in Asia were jointly placed in the second place from
the bottom, according to a TI report published in Dhaka and around the

Bangladesh was placed in the third position from below, along with
African countries Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan with
2 points out of 10, while Haiti bottomed with 1.8 points and Guinea,
Iraq and Myanmar got 1.9 points.

Finland, Iceland and New Zealand were on the top of the list with
9.6 points.

Bangladesh was bottom in the CPI index in 2001 with 0.4 point, in
2002 with 1.2 points, in 2003 with 1.3 points, in 2004 with 1.5 points
and in 2005 with 1.7 points.

Transparency International, however, attributed Bangladesh's
improvement in position to the poorer performance of some other

'The fact that Bangladesh no longer occupies the last place in the
table is attributable more to the poorer performance of several other
countries than to a drop in corruption levels in Bangladesh as such,'
said the TI.

Professor Muzaffer Ahmed, chairman of TIB, said that Bangladesh's
points have increased because of enhancement in the number of
institutions from where information is gathered.

'Earlier, in 2001, the TI gathered data from three organisations,
but this year it took data from six organisations. The report has been
based on the perception of business people, politicians, bureaucrats
and analysts of corruption as surveyed by different organisations,'
he said at the launching of TIB's report at a press conference in the
National Press Club.

In the case of Bangladesh, sources of data for the CPI 2006 were six
surveys conducted by five organisations: Country Policy and
Institutional Assessment 2005 by the World Bank, Country Risk Service
and Country Forecast 2006 by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Grey Area
Dynamics 2006 by the Merchant International Group, Global
Competitiveness Report of 2005 and 2006 by the World Economic Forum and
Risk Ratings 2006 by the World Markets Research Centre.

When asked whether the increase in points and improvement in
position showed that Bangladesh's corruption level was sliding
slowly, Muzaffar said, 'There is no indication that the level of
corruption has decreased in the country. As other countries'
performances are sliding, Bangladesh's position has improved.'

'There is no reason to be happy with the present situation,' he
added. 'My personal observation is that corruption in the country is
worse than ever before at the moment.'

'Among Asian countries, Bangladesh has been mentioned together
with Myanmar and Cambodia where the lack of political will to
strengthen anti-corruption institutions has perpetuated rampant
corruption, undermining efforts to improve the quality of life of the
poorest citizens,' said executive director of TIB, Iftekharuzzaman,
while launching the report.

Among the 163 countries surveyed, 71 countries scored below 3,
indicating that corruption is rampant if not worldwide, he said.

The 2006 CPI points at a strong correlation between corruption and
poverty, with the concentration of impoverished states at the bottom of
the ranking.

'Corruption traps millions in poverty,' said Transparency
International's chairperson, Huguette Labelle, in a message posted at
its website. 'Despite a decade of progress in establishing
anti-corruption laws and regulations, today's results indicate that
much remains to be done before we see meaningful improvements in the
lives of the world's poorest citizens.'

Countries with a significant worsening in perceived levels of
corruption include Brazil, Cuba, Israel, Jordan, Laos, the Seychelles,
Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia and the United States.

Countries with a significant improvement in perceived levels of
corruption include Algeria, the Czech Republic, India, Japan, Latvia,
Lebanon, Mauritius, Paraguay, Slovenia, Turkey, Turkmenistan and

In South Asia, Bhutan scored highest with 6 points, securing the
32nd position in TI's index, while India was placed in the 70th
position with 3.3 points, Sri Lanka in the 84th position with 3.1
points and Pakistan in the 142nd position with 2.2 points.



Daily Star, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Improved corruption perception index (CPI) - Very little to take
comfort from

We wish we could take solace in the fact that Bangladesh has graduated
to the third position in order of merit in the list of corrupt nations,
according to the latest Transparency International CPI. But, as it was
pointed out, the changed index does not have any statistical
significance as the differences are marginal. Also, it does not mean
that we have become less corrupt. In fact other nations have taken our

But we should not go by what others say; we did not do so in the past,
nor should we do it now. Instead, we should depend on our own judgment
and assessment of the issue. The fact is, corruption remains the number
one problem for us, and nobody but us, who have been so grossly
affected by the acute impact of it in every sphere of our lives, can
vouch to the fact -- particularly of rampant corruption in the most
high places. We are painfully aware of the all-pervading phenomenon
that corruption has become, and more so in the last five years. Not a
single institution has remained impervious to it, including the lower

But if corruption is abhorrent, even more deserving of our condemnation
is the fact that the government has done nothing to prevent its spread.
Our criticism of the last government is that while it questioned the TI
methodology of determining the state of corruption in a country and
various data that were used to come to that conclusion, it did nothing
to stem its spread, on the contrary reverse has been the case. Lack of
accountability and lax financial discipline have helped it to grow.

And the ACC, whose idea had so much promise, has been made
dysfunctional, and some of the actions by the erstwhile government make
us wonder whether that was done deliberately to allow corruption go

Regrettably, as far as corruption is concerned we are where we were
yesterday, and will continue to be there tomorrow unless drastic
measures are taken to render it the least lucrative enterprise with the
worst punishment possible for those who indulge in it. Nothing less
than a national crusade against corruption will help us emerge from the
mire. And as our Noble laureate Prof Yunus has said, if there is one
thing for the chief advisor to do it is to fight corruption, and in
doing that if he can take one single case of corruption and make
example out of it, it would be worthwhile. That may be the start of
total elimination of corruption from Bangladesh.

2018-07-15 08:21:21 UTC
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