(too old to reply)
2017-12-27 08:02:03 UTC

49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to Islamic
atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India root minorities from
Indian subcontinent.

Indian Subcontinent’s Vanishing Hindu and Other Minorities :Empire’s
Last Casualty

~ by Upananda Brahmachari

Dr. Sachi Ghosh Dastidar’s book Empire’s Last Casualty: Indian
Subcontinent’s Vanishing Hindu and Other Minorities a study of effects
of religious communalism on a pluralistic, tolerant, multi-religious
society. It focuses on the loss of indigenous, Hindu population from die
land of their ancestors; and on changes brought about since a
multi-religious progressive region of Colonial British India was
partitioned in 1947, and its effects on Hindu and nun-Muslim (Buddhist
and Christian) minorities, on pluralism and on indigenous cultures.

After Britain’s Muslim-Hindu partition of Bengal Province Past Bengal
became Muslim-majority East Pakistan, a part of Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, unleashing regular, merciless anti-Hindu pogroms by intolerant
Islamists. West Bengal remained in India, with Muslim minority and
ever-growing massive Bengali Hindu refugee who turned towards left

Following a 1971 war of independence against West Pakistan, Bangladesh
gained independence, creating the second largest Muslim-majority nation.
That war was concurrently anti-Hindu anti-Bengali genocide by Islamic
Republic’s army and its Bengali and Urdu speaking Islamist allies.

The book documents the decade-wise “missing” Hindus from Bangladesh
Census: over 49 million; larger than 163 of 189 nations listed in World
Bank’s April 2003 World Development indicators database-and over 3.1
million (larger than 75 of 189 nations) Hindus lost their lives through
the process of Islamization.

Documenting three million-plus lost lives have been painful and
difficult; especially when Hindus cremate their dead. Additionally
rivers of the world’s largest delta washed away signs of mass murder
leaving no clue. All attempts have been made to justify the data
presented in the book, hardly-known to the world and rarely discussed in
Bengal itself.

A further studies in Dr. Sabyasachi Ghosh-Dastidar’s present book
reveals the truth about the vanishing Hindus from the Indian
subcontinent in the connotation of prevailing perspective in the
following ways.

Genocide and persecution

Only a few centuries ago, Hindu religion and culture used to reverberate
from Afghanistan to Indonesia. Indian sub-continent including the
present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and even
Zabol in Iran was Hindu land, and had no Muslim presence till Muhammad
bin Qasim’s Arab army attacked Sindh in 711. After repeated invasions,
Hindus lost the present day Afghanistan to Muslims in 987. And the areas
now known as Pakistan and Bangladesh were lost to Muslims in 1947.

Pakistan comprised of two segments: East Pakistan and West Pakistan. In
1971, East Pakistan became Bangladesh, a separate country. Both Pakistan
and Bangladesh have been declared as Islamic republics.

Hindus have always been threatened and discriminated against in Pakistan
and Bangladesh on religious grounds. Though in 1947, Hindus accounted
for 24 per cent of the present day Pakistan’s population, now the
numbers less than two per cent. Situation is equally grave in Bangladesh
where Hindus numbered 31 per cent in 1947, but now number nine per cent.
Most of the Hindus / Sikhs have either been driven out, or have been
killed or forcibly converted in Pakistan and Bangladesh. However, in
India, the present percentage of Muslim population is much higher than
that was in 1947.

Pakistan and Bangladesh have never explained what they have done to
their Hindu population.

Hindus suffer constant threats to their lives, security and property in
Pak-Bangla lands. Many Hindu temples have been desecrated and destroyed
in Pakistan and Bangladesh. There are regular reports of illegal
encroachments on Hindu temples and lands, looting of Hindu property,
discrimination, persecution, molestation and abduction of Hindu girls
both in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

During 1970 and 1971, Hindus in East Pakistan (present Bangladesh)
underwent massive massacres by the Pakistani army and its collaborators.
Over two million Hindus are reported to have been killed in East
Pakistan during 1970 and 1971 leading to Indo-Pak war in 1971. Besides,
countless Hindu women were dishonoured and kidnapped during this period.

As per Dr. Sabyasachi Ghosh-Dastidar’s book, Empire’s last casualty:
Indian subcontinent’s vanishing Hindu and other minorities, over three
million Hindus have been killed in the process of Islamisation in the
area now known as Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) since India was
Partitioned in 1947. This loss of three million lives remain suppressed
from the world.

Even now, Hindus are facing genocide, terror, persecution, dishonour and
atrocities in Bangladesh every day. And there is selective killing of
Hindu judges, professionals, teachers, lawyers and civil servants in
Bangladesh to smash Hindu resistance.

Human rights organisations like Amnesty International are silent
spectators of this blatant ethnic cleansing of millions of Hindus.

Forcible conversions and marriages

The alarming trend of Muslims kidnapping young Hindu girls and forcibly
marrying them to Muslims is tormenting Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Though Pak-Bangla media may occasionally report such atrocities, main
stream media in India remains silent in this regard. To illustrate the
dismal situation, just one such example is given here. It was reported
in Pakistan’s premier English daily ‘The Dawn’ dated November 3, 2005
that 19 Hindu girls mostly from Punjab Colony, Karachi were missing from
their homes. Relatives of these girls believed that they had been
kidnapped and were being forced to change their religion, the press
release added.

Columnist Irfan Husain’s write up entitled “Conversion Losses” published
in The Dawn dated December 3, 2005 relates the tragedy of Hindu parents
in Karachi whose three young daughters Reena, Usha and Rima of
marriageable age vanished in October, 2005. In a few days, the shocked
parents received a courier package containing three identical affidavits
from their daughters stating that they had converted to Islam and,
therefore, could not live with their Hindu parents. And father of the
girls just wailed, “We just sit and stare at each other. For us, life is

And this hopeless situation can be the fate of any Hindu parent in
Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Kidnappings and killings

Even during the last few months, thousands of Hindus have been forced to
flee Pakistan, and take shelter in India.

Increasing incidents of kidnappings, robberies and forcible conversion
have rattled Hindu community in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Those unable to
pay the ransom are just killed. Hindu film maker Satish Anand’s
kidnapping in Karachi and recent release after payment of a huge ransom
is just one of such countless examples.

In April, 2009 Sikhs in Karzai in Pakistan were targeted to pay fifty
million rupees as Jazia, the tax levied on non-Muslims. As the victims
could not pay the said Jazia, their houses were looted and destroyed.

Discrimination and dispossession

Discrimination against Hindus is a fact of life as also a fact of law in
Pakistan and Bangladesh.

As per Constitution of Pakistan, only a Muslim can be the President or
Prime Minister of Pakistan. As per Bangladeshi Constitution too, only a
Muslim can be the head of the state.

The Vested Property Act was passed in 1965 as “Enemy Property Act” in
Pakistan. This law legitimised confiscation of Hindu property. After
emergence of Bangladesh in 1971, this Act was renamed as the Vested
Property Act in Bangladesh, and the state was made the owner of the
Hindus’ property. This Act has legitimised the forfeiture of millions of
acres of ancestral Hindu lands. And Hindu lands and properties are being
taken over by the government (under the Vested Property Act) to be
distributed among Muslims.

In 1950, Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan signed an agreement
called the Nehru Liaqat Pact under which both the governments undertook
to protect life, liberty, religion and safety of the minorities in each
other’s country.

But the government in India is doing nothing in the ongoing genocide and
deprivation of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

It is the Indian government’s legal and moral duty to ensure that as per
the Nehru-Liaqat Pact of 1950, and as per the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, Pakistan and Bangladesh treat their
minorities in a human manner. India must also ask Bangladesh to repeal
the Vested Properties Act, and restore the lands and properties of
Hindus to Hindus.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights must also be approached to
redeem the situation. Denial of human rights to Hindus violates UN
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.

In Pakistan and Bangladesh, Hindus have only the right to suffer and
right to silence. Shockingly, the tragedy of Hindus of Pakistan and
Bangladesh remains untold by Indian main stream media.

India’s callous inaction regarding the pathetic plight of Pak-Bangla
Hindus is disgusting. Killing of Hindus in Pakistan, in Bangladesh or
even in India is not taken seriously by main stream media, by government
or by various political parties or by human rights industry in India.

Is it because for some sections in India, only the terrorists,
anti-nationals and Pak-Bangla infiltrators are entitled to fundamental
and human rights?

Will India ever act to save Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh ?

This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by Islamist
Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu-Buddhist race in the
Indian sub-continent is decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of

Publisher: Firma KLM Publishers, Kolkata (Calcutta), India
Price: $ 29 (Please call 609-448-7225 to procure a copy, or Muktadhara
Booksellers of New York at 718-565-7258; or check Internet.)

Input : http://www.imperialcasualty.blogspot.com [ ISBN: 81-7102-151- 4
] and Helpless Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh
Dr. Jai Maharaj
2017-12-27 22:01:57 UTC
49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to
Islamic atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India
root minorities from Indian subcontinent.
Indian Subcontinent's Vanishing Hindu and Other
Minorities: Empire's Last Casualty
By Upananda Brahmachari
Indian Subcontinent's Vanishing Hindu and Other
Minorities a study of effects of religious communalism on
a pluralistic, tolerant, multi-religious society. It
focuses on the loss of indigenous, Hindu population from
die land of their ancestors; and on changes brought about
since a multi-religious progressive region of Colonial
British India was partitioned in 1947, and its effects on
Hindu and nun-Muslim (Buddhist and Christian) minorities,
on pluralism and on indigenous cultures.
After Britain's Muslim-Hindu partition of Bengal Province
Past Bengal became Muslim-majority East Pakistan, a part
of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, unleashing regular,
merciless anti-Hindu pogroms by intolerant Islamists.
West Bengal remained in India, with Muslim minority and
ever-growing massive Bengali Hindu refugee who turned
towards left extremism.
Following a 1971 war of independence against West
Pakistan, Bangladesh gained independence, creating the
second largest Muslim-majority nation. That war was
concurrently anti-Hindu anti-Bengali genocide by Islamic
Republic's army and its Bengali and Urdu speaking
Islamist allies.
The book documents the decade-wise "missing" Hindus from
Bangladesh Census: over 49 million; larger than 163 of
189 nations listed in World Bank's April 2003 World
Development indicators database-and over 3.1 million
(larger than 75 of 189 nations) Hindus lost their lives
through the process of Islamization.
Documenting three million-plus lost lives have been
painful and difficult; especially when Hindus cremate
their dead. Additionally rivers of the world's largest
delta washed away signs of mass murder leaving no clue.
All attempts have been made to justify the data presented
in the book, hardly-known to the world and rarely
discussed in Bengal itself.
A further studies in Dr. Sabyasachi Ghosh-Dastidar's
present book reveals the truth about the vanishing Hindus
from the Indian subcontinent in the connotation of
prevailing perspective in the following ways.
Genocide and persecution
Only a few centuries ago, Hindu religion and culture used
to reverberate from Afghanistan to Indonesia. Indian sub-
continent including the present day India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and even Zabol in Iran was
Hindu land, and had no Muslim presence till Muhammad bin
Qasim's Arab army attacked Sindh in 711. After repeated
invasions, Hindus lost the present day Afghanistan to
Muslims in 987. And the areas now known as Pakistan and
Bangladesh were lost to Muslims in 1947.
Pakistan comprised of two segments: East Pakistan and
West Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan became Bangladesh,
a separate country. Both Pakistan and Bangladesh have
been declared as Islamic republics.
Hindus have always been threatened and discriminated
against in Pakistan and Bangladesh on religious grounds.
Though in 1947, Hindus accounted for 24 per cent of the
present day Pakistan's population, now the numbers less
than two per cent. Situation is equally grave in
Bangladesh where Hindus numbered 31 per cent in 1947, but
now number nine per cent. Most of the Hindus / Sikhs have
either been driven out, or have been killed or forcibly
converted in Pakistan and Bangladesh. However, in India,
the present percentage of Muslim population is much
higher than that was in 1947.
Pakistan and Bangladesh have never explained what they
have done to their Hindu population.
Hindus suffer constant threats to their lives, security
and property in Pak-Bangla lands. Many Hindu temples have
been desecrated and destroyed in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
There are regular reports of illegal encroachments on
Hindu temples and lands, looting of Hindu property,
discrimination, persecution, molestation and abduction of
Hindu girls both in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
During 1970 and 1971, Hindus in East Pakistan (present
Bangladesh) underwent massive massacres by the Pakistani
army and its collaborators. Over two million Hindus are
reported to have been killed in East Pakistan during 1970
and 1971 leading to Indo-Pak war in 1971. Besides,
countless Hindu women were dishonoured and kidnapped
during this period.
As per Dr. Sabyasachi Ghosh-Dastidar's book, Empire's
last casualty: Indian subcontinent's vanishing Hindu and
other minorities, over three million Hindus have been
killed in the process of Islamisation in the area now
known as Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) since India
was Partitioned in 1947. This loss of three million lives
remain suppressed from the world.
Even now, Hindus are facing genocide, terror,
persecution, dishonour and atrocities in Bangladesh every
day. And there is selective killing of Hindu judges,
professionals, teachers, lawyers and civil servants in
Bangladesh to smash Hindu resistance.
Human rights organisations like Amnesty International are
silent spectators of this blatant ethnic cleansing of
millions of Hindus.
Forcible conversions and marriages
The alarming trend of Muslims kidnapping young Hindu
girls and forcibly marrying them to Muslims is tormenting
Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Though Pak-Bangla media may occasionally report such
atrocities, main stream media in India remains silent in
this regard. To illustrate the dismal situation, just one
such example is given here. It was reported in Pakistan's
premier English daily 'The Dawn' dated November 3, 2005
that 19 Hindu girls mostly from Punjab Colony, Karachi
were missing from their homes. Relatives of these girls
believed that they had been kidnapped and were being
forced to change their religion, the press release added.
Columnist Irfan Husain's write up entitled "Conversion
Losses" published in The Dawn dated December 3, 2005
relates the tragedy of Hindu parents in Karachi whose
three young daughters Reena, Usha and Rima of
marriageable age vanished in October, 2005. In a few
days, the shocked parents received a courier package
containing three identical affidavits from their
daughters stating that they had converted to Islam and,
therefore, could not live with their Hindu parents. And
father of the girls just wailed, "We just sit and stare
at each other. For us, life is over."
And this hopeless situation can be the fate of any Hindu
parent in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Kidnappings and killings
Even during the last few months, thousands of Hindus have
been forced to flee Pakistan, and take shelter in India.
Increasing incidents of kidnappings, robberies and
forcible conversion have rattled Hindu community in
Pakistan and Bangladesh. Those unable to pay the ransom
are just killed. Hindu film maker Satish Anand's
kidnapping in Karachi and recent release after payment of
a huge ransom is just one of such countless examples.
In April, 2009 Sikhs in Karzai in Pakistan were targeted
to pay fifty million rupees as Jazia, the tax levied on
non-Muslims. As the victims could not pay the said Jazia,
their houses were looted and destroyed.
Discrimination and dispossession
Discrimination against Hindus is a fact of life as also a
fact of law in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
As per Constitution of Pakistan, only a Muslim can be the
President or Prime Minister of Pakistan. As per
Bangladeshi Constitution too, only a Muslim can be the
head of the state.
The Vested Property Act was passed in 1965 as "Enemy
Property Act" in Pakistan. This law legitimised
confiscation of Hindu property. After emergence of
Bangladesh in 1971, this Act was renamed as the Vested
Property Act in Bangladesh, and the state was made the
owner of the Hindus' property. This Act has legitimised
the forfeiture of millions of acres of ancestral Hindu
lands. And Hindu lands and properties are being taken
over by the government (under the Vested Property Act) to
be distributed among Muslims.
In 1950, Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan signed an
agreement called the Nehru Liaqat Pact under which both
the governments undertook to protect life, liberty,
religion and safety of the minorities in each other's
But the government in India is doing nothing in the
ongoing genocide and deprivation of Hindus in Pakistan
and Bangladesh.
It is the Indian government's legal and moral duty to
ensure that as per the Nehru-Liaqat Pact of 1950, and as
per the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, Pakistan and Bangladesh treat their minorities in
a human manner. India must also ask Bangladesh to repeal
the Vested Properties Act, and restore the lands and
properties of Hindus to Hindus.
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights must also
be approached to redeem the situation. Denial of human
rights to Hindus violates UN Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, 1948.
In Pakistan and Bangladesh, Hindus have only the right to
suffer and right to silence. Shockingly, the tragedy of
Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh remains untold by
Indian main stream media.
India's callous inaction regarding the pathetic plight of
Pak-Bangla Hindus is disgusting. Killing of Hindus in
Pakistan, in Bangladesh or even in India is not taken
seriously by main stream media, by government or by
various political parties or by human rights industry in
Is it because for some sections in India, only the
terrorists, anti-nationals and Pak-Bangla infiltrators
are entitled to fundamental and human rights?
Will India ever act to save Hindus in Pakistan and
This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by
Islamist Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The
Hindu-Buddhist race in the Indian sub-continent is
decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of Islam.
Publisher: Firma KLM Publishers, Kolkata (Calcutta),
India Price: $29 (Please call 609-448-7225 to procure a
copy, or Muktadhara Booksellers of New York at 718-565-
7258; or check Internet.)
Input: http://www.imperialcasualty.blogspot.com
[ISBN: 81-7102-151-4] and Helpless Hindus of Pakistan and
The post is appreciated, dhanyavaad!

Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti

2018-01-08 21:49:00 UTC
I'm still upset that no one laughed at my geese joke :(
I laughed but didnt want to offend my Muslim mate FBIbedwetter
Proselytizing PEDOPHILE Will Sutton,
Just because your low IQ dumbass converted to Islam doesn't mean
everybody else will. So how many people did YOU BEHEAD SO FAR?
For the final time......Majority of the Western Christians like you are
I am HIGHLY ALLERGIC to both proselytizing christian and muslim FILTH
who are the ROOT OF ALL EVIL on the planet.
as you well know from reading the Koran that Islam teaches tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence


49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to Islamic
atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India root minorities from
Indian subcontinent.

Indian Subcontinent’s Vanishing Hindu and Other Minorities :Empire’s
Last Casualty

~ by Upananda Brahmachari

Dr. Sachi Ghosh Dastidar’s book Empire’s Last Casualty: Indian
Subcontinent’s Vanishing Hindu and Other Minorities a study of effects
of religious communalism on a pluralistic, tolerant, multi-religious
society. It focuses on the loss of indigenous, Hindu population from die
land of their ancestors; and on changes brought about since a
multi-religious progressive region of Colonial British India was
partitioned in 1947, and its effects on Hindu and nun-Muslim (Buddhist
and Christian) minorities, on pluralism and on indigenous cultures.

After Britain’s Muslim-Hindu partition of Bengal Province Past Bengal
became Muslim-majority East Pakistan, a part of Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, unleashing regular, merciless anti-Hindu pogroms by intolerant
Islamists. West Bengal remained in India, with Muslim minority and
ever-growing massive Bengali Hindu refugee who turned towards left

Following a 1971 war of independence against West Pakistan, Bangladesh
gained independence, creating the second largest Muslim-majority nation.
That war was concurrently anti-Hindu anti-Bengali genocide by Islamic
Republic’s army and its Bengali and Urdu speaking Islamist allies.

The book documents the decade-wise “missing” Hindus from Bangladesh
Census: over 49 million; larger than 163 of 189 nations listed in World
Bank’s April 2003 World Development indicators database-and over 3.1
million (larger than 75 of 189 nations) Hindus lost their lives through
the process of Islamization.

Documenting three million-plus lost lives have been painful and
difficult; especially when Hindus cremate their dead. Additionally
rivers of the world’s largest delta washed away signs of mass murder
leaving no clue. All attempts have been made to justify the data
presented in the book, hardly-known to the world and rarely discussed in
Bengal itself.

A further studies in Dr. Sabyasachi Ghosh-Dastidar’s present book
reveals the truth about the vanishing Hindus from the Indian
subcontinent in the connotation of prevailing perspective in the
following ways.

Genocide and persecution

Only a few centuries ago, Hindu religion and culture used to reverberate
from Afghanistan to Indonesia. Indian sub-continent including the
present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and even
Zabol in Iran was Hindu land, and had no Muslim presence till Muhammad
bin Qasim’s Arab army attacked Sindh in 711. After repeated invasions,
Hindus lost the present day Afghanistan to Muslims in 987. And the areas
now known as Pakistan and Bangladesh were lost to Muslims in 1947.

Pakistan comprised of two segments: East Pakistan and West Pakistan. In
1971, East Pakistan became Bangladesh, a separate country. Both Pakistan
and Bangladesh have been declared as Islamic republics.

Hindus have always been threatened and discriminated against in Pakistan
and Bangladesh on religious grounds. Though in 1947, Hindus accounted
for 24 per cent of the present day Pakistan’s population, now the
numbers less than two per cent. Situation is equally grave in Bangladesh
where Hindus numbered 31 per cent in 1947, but now number nine per cent.
Most of the Hindus / Sikhs have either been driven out, or have been
killed or forcibly converted in Pakistan and Bangladesh. However, in
India, the present percentage of Muslim population is much higher than
that was in 1947.

Pakistan and Bangladesh have never explained what they have done to
their Hindu population.

Hindus suffer constant threats to their lives, security and property in
Pak-Bangla lands. Many Hindu temples have been desecrated and destroyed
in Pakistan and Bangladesh. There are regular reports of illegal
encroachments on Hindu temples and lands, looting of Hindu property,
discrimination, persecution, molestation and abduction of Hindu girls
both in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

During 1970 and 1971, Hindus in East Pakistan (present Bangladesh)
underwent massive massacres by the Pakistani army and its collaborators.
Over two million Hindus are reported to have been killed in East
Pakistan during 1970 and 1971 leading to Indo-Pak war in 1971. Besides,
countless Hindu women were dishonoured and kidnapped during this period.

As per Dr. Sabyasachi Ghosh-Dastidar’s book, Empire’s last casualty:
Indian subcontinent’s vanishing Hindu and other minorities, over three
million Hindus have been killed in the process of Islamisation in the
area now known as Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) since India was
Partitioned in 1947. This loss of three million lives remain suppressed
from the world.

Even now, Hindus are facing genocide, terror, persecution, dishonour and
atrocities in Bangladesh every day. And there is selective killing of
Hindu judges, professionals, teachers, lawyers and civil servants in
Bangladesh to smash Hindu resistance.

Human rights organisations like Amnesty International are silent
spectators of this blatant ethnic cleansing of millions of Hindus.

Forcible conversions and marriages

The alarming trend of Muslims kidnapping young Hindu girls and forcibly
marrying them to Muslims is tormenting Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Though Pak-Bangla media may occasionally report such atrocities, main
stream media in India remains silent in this regard. To illustrate the
dismal situation, just one such example is given here. It was reported
in Pakistan’s premier English daily ‘The Dawn’ dated November 3, 2005
that 19 Hindu girls mostly from Punjab Colony, Karachi were missing from
their homes. Relatives of these girls believed that they had been
kidnapped and were being forced to change their religion, the press
release added.

Columnist Irfan Husain’s write up entitled “Conversion Losses” published
in The Dawn dated December 3, 2005 relates the tragedy of Hindu parents
in Karachi whose three young daughters Reena, Usha and Rima of
marriageable age vanished in October, 2005. In a few days, the shocked
parents received a courier package containing three identical affidavits
from their daughters stating that they had converted to Islam and,
therefore, could not live with their Hindu parents. And father of the
girls just wailed, “We just sit and stare at each other. For us, life is

And this hopeless situation can be the fate of any Hindu parent in
Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Kidnappings and killings

Even during the last few months, thousands of Hindus have been forced to
flee Pakistan, and take shelter in India.

Increasing incidents of kidnappings, robberies and forcible conversion
have rattled Hindu community in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Those unable to
pay the ransom are just killed. Hindu film maker Satish Anand’s
kidnapping in Karachi and recent release after payment of a huge ransom
is just one of such countless examples.

In April, 2009 Sikhs in Karzai in Pakistan were targeted to pay fifty
million rupees as Jazia, the tax levied on non-Muslims. As the victims
could not pay the said Jazia, their houses were looted and destroyed.

Discrimination and dispossession

Discrimination against Hindus is a fact of life as also a fact of law in
Pakistan and Bangladesh.

As per Constitution of Pakistan, only a Muslim can be the President or
Prime Minister of Pakistan. As per Bangladeshi Constitution too, only a
Muslim can be the head of the state.

The Vested Property Act was passed in 1965 as “Enemy Property Act” in
Pakistan. This law legitimised confiscation of Hindu property. After
emergence of Bangladesh in 1971, this Act was renamed as the Vested
Property Act in Bangladesh, and the state was made the owner of the
Hindus’ property. This Act has legitimised the forfeiture of millions of
acres of ancestral Hindu lands. And Hindu lands and properties are being
taken over by the government (under the Vested Property Act) to be
distributed among Muslims.

In 1950, Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan signed an agreement
called the Nehru Liaqat Pact under which both the governments undertook
to protect life, liberty, religion and safety of the minorities in each
other’s country.

But the government in India is doing nothing in the ongoing genocide and
deprivation of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

It is the Indian government’s legal and moral duty to ensure that as per
the Nehru-Liaqat Pact of 1950, and as per the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, Pakistan and Bangladesh treat their
minorities in a human manner. India must also ask Bangladesh to repeal
the Vested Properties Act, and restore the lands and properties of
Hindus to Hindus.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights must also be approached to
redeem the situation. Denial of human rights to Hindus violates UN
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.

In Pakistan and Bangladesh, Hindus have only the right to suffer and
right to silence. Shockingly, the tragedy of Hindus of Pakistan and
Bangladesh remains untold by Indian main stream media.

India’s callous inaction regarding the pathetic plight of Pak-Bangla
Hindus is disgusting. Killing of Hindus in Pakistan, in Bangladesh or
even in India is not taken seriously by main stream media, by government
or by various political parties or by human rights industry in India.

Is it because for some sections in India, only the terrorists,
anti-nationals and Pak-Bangla infiltrators are entitled to fundamental
and human rights?

Will India ever act to save Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh ?

This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by Islamist
Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu-Buddhist race in the
Indian sub-continent is decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of

Publisher: Firma KLM Publishers, Kolkata (Calcutta), India
Price: $ 29 (Please call 609-448-7225 to procure a copy, or Muktadhara
Booksellers of New York at 718-565-7258; or check Internet.)

Input : http://www.imperialcasualty.blogspot.com [ ISBN: 81-7102-151- 4
] and Helpless Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh
