Congratulations to Mr.Golam Faruk Ovi , MP
(too old to reply)
2019-02-05 14:58:59 UTC
ami tomar sathe asi....ovi...
jodi uzirpurbasi aksathr thake tahole kao tomar kono khoti korte parbe na.....please come to us....we are egarly wait for uuuuuuu
2019-02-05 17:29:01 UTC
Mr. Golam Faruk Ovi : Please accept my feliciatations on your becoming a
member of our Jatiya Sangsad . I am really happy that you could beat Mr.
Rashed Khan Menon by a wide margin . I hope you will oneday become prime
minister of our country . I do not agree with those people who brand you as a
former terrorist . What did you do ? Can anybody produce any papers to prove
that you did anything wrong in your whole life ? Some people are so stupid as
to link you with the murder of Dr. Milon . You had the magnaminity to ask your
associates to place floral wreaths at the site of the proposed memorial
dedicated to Dr. Milon . People of Barisal love you . So, do I . Because I
know whoever wins a election is a national hero .
hmmm....you are right...vai.....
2019-02-16 23:29:31 UTC
Mr. Golam Faruk Ovi : Please accept my feliciatations on your becoming a
member of our Jatiya Sangsad . I am really happy that you could beat Mr.
Rashed Khan Menon by a wide margin . I hope you will oneday become prime
minister of our country . I do not agree with those people who brand you as a
former terrorist . What did you do ? Can anybody produce any papers to prove
that you did anything wrong in your whole life ? Some people are so stupid as
to link you with the murder of Dr. Milon . You had the magnaminity to ask your
associates to place floral wreaths at the site of the proposed memorial
dedicated to Dr. Milon . People of Barisal love you . So, do I . Because I
know whoever wins a election is a national hero .
Shakil Ahmed
2022-10-30 09:35:12 UTC
Mr. Golam Faruk Ovi : Please accept my feliciatations on your becoming a
member of our Jatiya Sangsad . I am really happy that you could beat Mr.
Rashed Khan Menon by a wide margin . I hope you will oneday become prime
minister of our country . I do not agree with those people who brand you as a
former terrorist . What did you do ? Can anybody produce any papers to prove
that you did anything wrong in your whole life ? Some people are so stupid as
to link you with the murder of Dr. Milon . You had the magnaminity to ask your
associates to place floral wreaths at the site of the proposed memorial
dedicated to Dr. Milon . People of Barisal love you . So, do I . Because I
know whoever wins a election is a national hero .