If no-one helps you after a car crash in India, this is why
(too old to reply)
2016-06-07 14:13:47 UTC
If no-one helps you after a car crash in India, this is why


When a road accident occurs, bystanders will usually try to help the
injured, or at least call for help. In India it's different. In a country
with some of the world's most dangerous roads, victims are all too often
left to fend for themselves.

Kanhaiya Lal desperately cries for help but motorists swerve straight past
him. His young son and the splayed bodies of his wife and infant daughter
lie next to the
mangled motorbike on which they had all been travelling seconds earlier.

The widely broadcast CCTV footage of this scene - showing the suffering of
a family of hit-and-run victims in northern India in 2013 and the apparent
indifference of
passers-by - troubled many Indians.
2016-06-07 20:09:54 UTC
Post by unknown
The widely broadcast CCTV footage of this scene - showing the suffering of
a family of hit-and-run victims in northern India in 2013 and the apparent
indifference of passers-by - troubled many Indians.
It shouldn't. The victims are simply on their way to the next incarnation:




India has the highest traffic fatality rate in the world...
